Маленькие девочки любят наблюдать за облаками в небе / Little Girls Like to Watch Clouds in the Sky

Маленькие девочки любят наблюдать за облаками в небе / Little Girls Like to Watch Clouds in the Sky

В лесу есть поле руин.Мои глаза за моей головой, потому что я параноик.Я больше не вижу, куда иду.Я несу чемодан.В чемо...
Out of Her Skin

Out of Her Skin

On Transience Hold in your mind these few dayswhen the world outside transformsit is autumnand death is life to come...
No Man

No Man

Odysseus was Fighting to Remember Himself— / in a Universe that was Forgetting Everything.
Two Poems

Two Poems

Afraid that the air / Made of Crystal / Could crash ...
Three Poems

Three Poems

their bloom of eggs / gives billionfold increase ...


When in doubt, improvise.